Facial redness and what you need to know

Facial redness and what you need to know

Seeing red (literally) can be a cause for concern, especially if it is a sudden onset and you have no clue as to what has triggered it! However, there is no need to panic, here are some reasons you might be experiencing facial redness: 

Different forms of redness 

Firstly, redness may be a result of eczema. When an irritating component comes into contact with our skin, our body’s natural response is to fight it, which gives rise to what we know as skin inflammation. In the case of eczema, these cells on our skin tend to overreact when there is a trigger, and they start to work even harder, trying their best to eliminate the irritation. This is what causes your skin to become red, inflamed, itchy and sometimes even flaky. 

Another reason would be also due to rosacea. Rosacea often refers to flushing of the skin, especially around the cheeks, chin and forehead where tiny blood vessels become visible. It is often red as it sometimes comes accompanied with an unpleasant stinging or burning sensation. 

Having a compromised skin barrier can also result in redness. This may manifest in the form of dryness, dullness, scaly skin, inflammation, increased sensitivity, acne, and breakouts. Compromised skin barrier is often a result of over-exfoliation, stress, environmental aggressors and toxins, as well as stripping your face of its natural oils with harsh cleansers.

Triggers and possible cause of redness

A main trigger of facial redness could point towards using unsuitable ingredients present in your current skincare products for your skin type. It could either be too harsh for your skin, or you could be facing an allergic reaction towards certain ingredients. Active ingredients and chemicals such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) can also cause an increase in skin sensitivity, especially if you already have sensitive skin! 

A poor diet and lifestyle can also lead to facial redness, such as consuming too much spicy food, caffeine and citrus, as well as being exposed to too much sun, cigarette smoke and pollution. A change in weather, climate or humidity can also play a part in causing your skin to turn red in an unfamiliar environment. 

How to reduce facial redness 

If you are struggling with redness, fear not - there are products that can still reverse this! Here are our top picks:  

#1 Tea-Tox 20% Probiotics Sheet Mask 

Tea-Tox is not like the other sheet masks. With just 1 use, it can significantly help to eliminate redness significantly, while calming the skin from any inflammation and fighting against free radical damage. The power ingredient in this sheet mask is known as Lactobacillus Ferment or Probiotics, which helps to strengthen the skin barrier with a potent soothing effect that can calm irritated skin. It also has Yuzu extracts that are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that can help combat signs of ageing too! 

#2 Idyllic Fields Daytime Moisturiser

Idyllic Fields is formulated with 71.9% oats that is especially calming for acne and sensitised skin. It is also great for soothing eczema-prone skin and psoriasis while preventing disruption of the skin barrier, keeping it balanced and healthy at all times. The fibre and cellulose in oats also has emollient properties that helps seal in hydration while calming redness and irritation. Formulated with polyglutamic acid, it can provide 10x more moisture as compared to hyaluronic acid! 

#3 Dream Capsule Overnight Sleeping Mask 

Dream Capsule contains an ingredient known as squalane, which is derived from sugarcane and is especially beneficial towards acne, eczema and psoriasis. It also helps to seal moisture into the skin, and a blend of other superfood and clinical actives will help soothe damaged skin, itchiness, roughness, and inflammation, while targeting fine lines and wrinkles at the same time! 


  • stella

    For skin allergy treatment, try over-the-counter antihistamines and hydrocortisone creams to reduce itching and inflammation. Keep your skin moisturized and avoid known allergens. If symptoms persist, consult a dermatologist for a personalized treatment plan. Natural remedies like aloe vera gel can also soothe irritated skin.
    skin allergy treatment

  • Kaka

    Facial redness, medically referred to as facial erythema, is a common condition characterized by the reddening of the skin on the face. It can result from various factors, including:

    Skin Conditions: Conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis can cause persistent facial redness. Rosacea, in particular, is a chronic skin disorder that leads to flushing, visible blood vessels, and inflamed bumps.

    Allergies: Allergic reactions to certain foods, skincare products, or environmental factors can trigger facial redness and irritation.

    Temperature Changes: Exposure to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can cause temporary facial redness due to blood vessel dilation.

    Skin Sensitivity: Individuals with sensitive skin may experience redness when exposed to certain irritants or aggressive skincare treatments.

    Sunburn: Overexposure to UV rays without proper protection can lead to sunburn, causing skin inflammation and redness.

    Medical Conditions: Underlying medical conditions like lupus and certain autoimmune disorders can result in facial redness as a symptom.

    Emotional Factors: Blushing, a natural physiological response to emotions like embarrassment or excitement, can cause temporary facial redness.

    Managing facial redness involves identifying and addressing the underlying cause. Consultation with a dermatologist can help determine the appropriate treatment, which may include topical creams, gentle skincare products, lifestyle adjustments, and in some cases, laser therapies. Protecting the skin from sun exposure and avoiding triggers can also help manage facial redness effectively.

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