Skip Care – Latest Fad Or Here To Stay?

Skip Care – Latest Fad Or Here To Stay?

Move over 10-steps Korean skincare regime. Skip-care is the latest trend from K-beauty, after the coveted “glass-skin”. But what exactly is skip-care?

It’s a “cosmetics restriction diet”, whereby you use multi-functional products or products that has essential ingredients for your skin, reducing the total number of steps and products needed in your skincare regime.

In short, it is about using lesser products to get the same amount of skin benefits.

Yay or Nay?

For us, the Sigi Skin team is all for Marie-Kondo-ing your skincare regime. People are often confused on which products to layer - “essence or lotion or toner, first?” sounds familiar? Trust us, it is not only you.

Not only it is confusing, it is also time consuming (imagine coming home after a long day of work and dread cleansing your face because of the tedious skincare regime that follows after?) and rather expensive.

And also, it makes complete sense. Layering too many skincare products would actually lead to clog your pores up, and ultimately lead to skin troubles. Plus, if you’re a make-up user, using too many products before makeup application, would cause foundation to not properly adhere to your skin.

Want to Try Skip-care?

Extra time for snoozing? Yes please! Essentially it is all about going back to basics. A pared down skincare regime that would still give you good skin.

Here is our skip-care routine.


  1. Using only water to cleanse our skin (no face wash).
  2. Eye serum / cream
  3. Serum
  4. Moisturizer (can skip if you are using a hydrating sunscreen)
  5. Sunscreen


  1. Cleanser (use micellar water or double cleansing if you’re using heavy makeup)
  2. Eye serum / cream
  3. Serum
  4. Night cream / over-night mask.

We feel that skip-care would be particularly beneficial for those who have sensitive skin, as using less products would mean a lesser chance for the skin to get irritated. We are all for skip-care.

However, as we also stress, skincare is personal, and you know your skin best. If 10 steps work for you, and you love it, go ahead and continue with it. There is no right or wrong in skincare.


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